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Sandcastle Help File BuilderVersion History

The topics in this section describe the various changes made to the Sandcastle Help File Builder over the life of the project.

Version History

Select a version below to see a description of its changes.

Note Note

If you are coming to the latest version from version or earlier be sure to read the Version (Alpha), Version (Beta 1), Version (Beta 2), and Version release notes as a significant number of changes occurred to the project file format and the standalone GUI across those releases. Any existing projects will need to be converted to the new project file format before they can be used with the new version.

Other breaking changes may have been made since the last release you were using. Please review the release notes from all releases after it to the latest to find changes that may require you to update your project such as modifications to build component and plug-in configurations.

Note Note

For information on the Visual Studio integration package and where to find features in it, see the Visual Studio Integration Package topic.