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Text Editor Utility Library

The Text Editor Utility Library provides helper classes for Visual Studio Extensions written in managed code that interact with the text editor.

Library Status: Public

Installation and Distribution

This package may be installed through NuGet using the following package ID.

  • Tvl.VisualStudio.Text.Utility.10: For extensions targeting Visual Studio 2010 and newer.

This is a Utility Library package, as described on the Packages page. If you are registering this assembly using the ProvideCodeBaseAttribute attribute, use the following code to replace the described placeholders.

[assembly: ProvideCodeBase(
    AssemblyName = "Tvl.VisualStudio.Text.Utility.10",
    Version = "",
    CodeBase = "$PackageFolder$\\Tvl.VisualStudio.Text.Utility.10.dll")]