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Sandcastle Help File BuilderSandcastleBuilder.Utils.MSBuild Namespace
This namespace contains MSBuild related classes such as tasks and project file wrappers.
Public classBuild1xHelpFile
This task is used to run HHC.EXE which is used to compile a Help 1 (CHM) help file
Public classBuild2xHelpFile
This task is used to run HXCOMP.EXE which is used to compile a Help 2 (HxS) help file
Public classBuildHelp
This task is used to build help file output using the Sandcastle Help File Builder.
Public classBuildHelpViewerFile
This task is used to compress the help content into a Microsoft Help Container (a ZIP file with a .mshc extension).
Public classBuildOpenXmlFile
This task is used to finish up creation of the Open XML file parts and compress the help content into an Open XML document (a ZIP file with a .docx extension).
Public classCleanHelp
This task is used to clean (remove) help file output from the last build.
Public classMSBuildProject
This is a simple wrapper around an MSBuild project that is used to extract information from it during a help file build.
Public classNumberingStyle
This is used to track the custom numbering styles found during the step that converts the list elements to Open XML lists.
Public classSelectProjectsDlg
This form is used to indicate whether to add the solution or just selected projects from within it as documentation sources.