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Sandcastle Help File BuilderBuildProcessVerifySafePath Method
Make sure the path isn't one the user would regret having nuked without warning

Namespace: SandcastleBuilder.Utils.BuildEngine
Assembly: SandcastleBuilder.Utils (in SandcastleBuilder.Utils.dll) Version: 2014.11.22.0
public static void VerifySafePath(
	string propertyName,
	string propertyValue,
	string projectPath


Type: SystemString
The name of the path property
Type: SystemString
It's current value
Type: SystemString
The path to the current project
BuilderExceptionThis is thrown if the path is one of the ones that probably should not be used.
Since most people don't read the help file and also ignore the warning in the property grid description pane, we'll take some steps to idiot-proof the dangerous path properties. I'm starting to lose count of the number of people that point WorkingPath at the root of their C:\ drive and wonder why all their files disappear.

Paths checked for include root references to hard drives and network shares, most common well-known folders, and the project's root folder.
See Also