Version was released on October 31st, 2007.
Changes in This Release
Added support for the October 2007 CTP of Sandcastle.
Fixed a couple of bugs related to topic file transformation.
Fixed a couple of bugs that caused the ApiFilter editor
dialog to crash.
Fixed a couple of bugs in the AjaxDoc plug-in. It has also been
updated to work correctly with AjaxDoc 1.1.
Adjusted the logo placement code in PostTransformComponent
for the VS2005 style so that the logo appears correctly.
Added support for the VS2005 style's feedback control. It can be
shown by setting the new ShowFeedbackControl property to true.
Setting it to false hides it.
Added the SdkLinkTarget property to allow defining where
MSDN links will open in the browser.
Support was added for the root namespaces page in the Hana and VS2005
styles when a root namespace container is used.
In additional content files, any HTML tag with a cref
attribute will have the attribute converted to an href attribute
that points to the found API topic (i.e. <area> tags in an image
Modified the VB.NET and VBScript comment colorization rules to fix
problems with end of line detection. Added support for handling "<! >"
entries such as those for DOCTYPE in the XML colorizer rules.
For consistency, the code colorizer scripts and style sheets are now
copied to the Scripts and Styles folders rather than the HTML folder. The
outputPath property of the PostTransformComponent
should now point to "Output" rather than "Output\html". The component will
correct the path if it ends with "\html". The logo file is also copied to the
Images folder rather than the root of the help content.
Some of the shared content items have been moved into presentation
style specific shared content files due to differences in how those items are
now handled by the style (specifically the header and footer items).
Added ".topic" and ".xslt" to the related File Open dialogs.
If building multiple output formats, website output is now built last
to prevent unnecessary files ending up in the CHM and HxS files.
The MS Help 2 project files are now copied to the output folder to
aid in creating a deployment file. Note that they will need modification to
remove the DTD, compiler options, etc.
Improved the performance of various reflection file XPath queries
which can speed up some of the build steps.
Merged changes from Martin Darilek into the version information
build component to show the file version attribute value if present.